21,314 research outputs found

    Transmissão interespécie dos lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes: revisão e desafios.

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    Resumo: A artrite-encefalite caprina (CAE) e a Maedi-Visna (MV) são doenças de curso progressivo, que acometem caprinos e ovinos, respectivamente. Durante anos, o agente etiológico viral dessas enfermidades era considerado como específico a cada espécie. Entretanto, análises filogenéticas têm demonstrado a heterogeneidade desse vírus, reunindo diferentes genótipos e subtipos em um grupo denominado de lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes (LVPR). Além disso, diversos estudos revelaram a ocorrência da infecção de caprinos e ovinos por um mesmo subtipo, evidenciando a ocorrência de transmissão cruzada. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é abordar as principais características etiopatogênicas dos LVPR, fatores epidemiológicos para a sua ocorrência, diagnóstico, bem como os desafios para os programas de sanidade frente à possibilidade de transmissão interespécie. [Interspecies transmission of small ruminant lentiviruses: review and challenges]. Abstract: Caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) and Maedi-Visna (MV) are diseases with progressive course, affecting goats and sheep, respectively. For many years, the etiological agent of these viral diseases was considered specific to each species. However, phylogenetic analyzes have demonstrated the heterogeneity of this virus, bringing the various genotypes and subtypes in a group called small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV). Moreover, several studies revealed the occurrence of infection of goats and sheep by the same subtype, indicating the occurrence of cross transmission. Thus, the objective of this review is to discuss the main features of etiological and pathogenic about SRLV, epidemiological factors for its occurrence, diagnosis, and the challenges for health programs facing the possibility of interspecies transmission

    Métodos de enxertia recomendados para a produção de mudas de cajazeira e de outras fruteiras do gênero spondias.

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    As principais especies do genero spondias que ocorrem no Nordeste brasileiro sao Spondias mombim (cajazeira) Spondias purpurea (cirigueleira) Spondias cytherea (cajananeira), Spondias tuberosa (umbuzeiro) Spondias ssp (umbu-cajazeira e umbugueleira.bitstream/item/33817/1/Ct-037.pd

    Secagem de goiabas pré-desidratadas osmoticamente a vácuo.

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    Descreve o processamento para obtenção de goiaba desidratada osmoticamente sob vácuo, seguida de secagem em estufa de circulação de ar, visando a agragação de valor comercia à fruta.bitstream/CNPAT-2010/9611/1/Ct-106.pd

    Starch accumulation and agronomical performance of Syrah under winter cycle: responses to pruning and ethephon management

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    In the Brazilian Southeast, 'Syrah' grape harvested during the winter reaches better quality index than those from summer harvest. However, the management of annual double pruning to produce two grapevine growth cycles (vegetative cycle: spring – summer; reproductive cycle: autumn – winter) has increased the vineyard production costs and the vine reserve accumulation can be compromised. This study had two main objectives to improve the winter cultivation: i) to validate single pruning carried out only in summer (February) (experiment 1); to increase the reserve accumulation by ethephon (ethrel) sprayed two months before yield pruning (experiment 2). Both experiments were carried out in south of Minas Gerais State using three years old field-grown 'Syrah' grapevines grafted onto '1103 Paulsen' and trained in a vertical shoot position. The results from experiment 1 showed that grapevines pruned in summer also need to be pruned during the winter after grape harvest to avoid bud infertility during the following autumn-winter season. Single pruning reduced the starch contents in shoots, trunks and roots sampled before yield pruning and the commercial grape harvest was completely unavailable due to unfruitful shoots. On the other hand, the autumn-winter cycle was improved by ethephon sprayed in the previous vegetative growing cycle (summer cycle). During the autumn-winter cycle, sprayed grapevines showed higher starch content in trunks, high vegetative vigor and the yield and grape quality were not negatively affected